Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ellie Baby...Mama Loves You!

When my sister was expecting her first-born, I had written to her,

"What can I tell you about Motherhood?
  It has to be felt to be understood."

It is such an instinctive emotion, it simply cannot be put into words. And while we do our utmost to keep our little babies safe from even so much as scraped knees, I cannot help but be pained by the mindless killings of elephants for their ivory.

Sign the Petition. Save the African Elephants!

                                          photo taken from Simon Reeve's WWF Blog

According to scientists, elephants display many of the emotions that we do. A mother elephant teaches her young to be independent and to be caring of their young. Isn't that what all of us parents hope to achieve as we graduate the College of Parenthood?

If you are moved by the plight of these gentle and loving creatures, please support WWF by signing their petition to save Africa's elephants. Next to actually going and catching the poachers ourselves, this is the best we can do. 

Sign the Petition. Save the African Elephants!

Animals, whether wild, farm or domesticated, make a great theme for gender neutral nurseries. All babies are instinctively attracted to other living creatures. If you have a pet at home, you can see that yourself.

Gender neutral nursery works great if you have decided to leave the gender as a last minute surprise. There are some amazing neutral bedding themes available online and in stores. You might also have come across nurseries showing giant wall decals of giraffes or monkeys swinging from branches.

Colorful Animal Silhouettes MegaPack

Peachy Room of the Week

photo from

Groovy Room of the Week

photo from

Older kids love having animal themes in their rooms too. Zebra themes, giraffe or leopard prints are some of the more popular teen themes.

DIY Stuffed Animal Head (without the 'ughhh' factor)

photo from

Decorate a wood plaque and then add a deer head made from a foam egg, plastic bottle and wood antlers.

Every week, I send out inspiring pictures of one aspect of the nursery or kids rooms. Simply subscribe to my e-zine Decor 4 Kids for your weekly dose of Inspired Creativity.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Project Nursery is coming to Boston!

Are you planning a baby nursery but don't know where to start?

I know how it is. I have been thinking of re-decorating my kids bedroom but everything is still so vague. Of course, it doesn't help that my son and daughter share the same room. I have to find a common link to harmonize the room.

Planning a baby nursery just sounds hard until you actually dive into it. I know you want it to be perfect. But here is the secret I learned over the years...there is no such thing as 'perfect' and once you actually complete it, the nursery will be so beautiful that no one will notice the flaws!

Anyhow, if you happen to live in or around Boston, you will be very happy to know that Project Nursery (if you have been doing any online search for nurseries, you will have heard of them) is coming to Boston.

From March 1-3, 2013, you can get expert advice and huge savings on baby gear at Magic Beans at Brookline.

I do think this is a once in a blue moon kind of advantage that you should certainly avail of.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Entering the Blogosphere


You don't know me...yet. But I hope to change all that soon.

I have been busy marking my territory in the virtual world or should I say, the virtual universe (coz that is what it feels like). I feel like such a tiny part of the Net that I am surprised any spiders even realize I am there.

On the whole, though, the journey these past few years has been exciting, entertaining and very enlightening.

So why have I only just entered the Blogosphere?

I think it has some deep-rooted psychological connotations that I need to further study. What I mean by that is...blogging takes a lot of trust. Writing a diary used to be a very personal endeavor. A blog on the other hand is there for all and sundry to read and opine about.

Which is why I so appreciate all the bloggers in the world (and boy, there are many!!). How can you so casually welcome strangers into your home and into your mind? So this year, as part of my New Year Resolutions (and I also resolved to complete my resolutions this year), I have decided to take the risk. The risk of openly proclaiming my opinions, my ideas and my life as my own! 

I shall trust you to hold them dear as you would of any friend's...and together we will discover decorating ideas, new and existing (why re-invent the wheel?) to create the peachy, groovy rooms that our kids will thank us for...for a long, long time. (We'll make sure they do, won't we?)

