Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Project Nursery is coming to Boston!

Are you planning a baby nursery but don't know where to start?

I know how it is. I have been thinking of re-decorating my kids bedroom but everything is still so vague. Of course, it doesn't help that my son and daughter share the same room. I have to find a common link to harmonize the room.

Planning a baby nursery just sounds hard until you actually dive into it. I know you want it to be perfect. But here is the secret I learned over the years...there is no such thing as 'perfect' and once you actually complete it, the nursery will be so beautiful that no one will notice the flaws!

Anyhow, if you happen to live in or around Boston, you will be very happy to know that Project Nursery (if you have been doing any online search for nurseries, you will have heard of them) is coming to Boston.

From March 1-3, 2013, you can get expert advice and huge savings on baby gear at Magic Beans at Brookline.

I do think this is a once in a blue moon kind of advantage that you should certainly avail of.


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