Monday, March 11, 2013

Magic Monday - Riding to School

Hellooo and hope you are having a Magic Monday too.

I know the popular number goes "Just another Manic Monday, Wish it was a Sunday". But for me (and I think most moms with school age kids), it's the other way around.

My weekends are totally "manic" and I can't wait for Monday when everyone else is off to school and office, while I get to finally put up my feet and enjoy the silence.

So I call it my "Magic Monday".

Just because the kids are not home doesn't necessarily mean I'm not thinking about them, though. I came across this strange looking contraption, called the Irish Mail.


This is an olden times children's ride-on toy that was very popular at the turn of the 20th century (or so I am informed). As you can see it doesn't have any pedals. Instead the handle was pushed back and forth to generate movement. Rather exhausting, don't you think?
Kids today have so much more to choose from. The ride-on toys are getting bigger, faster and more complicated every year. Like this Lamboghini Murcielago Car...
6V Lamborghini Murcielago Car


I'm not sure that is such a good thing though. 

The kids will grow up soon enough, why would I want to see them riding a Harley at this age? I would much rather they stick to Rocking Horses or a tricycle instead.


Hmmm....maybe I could have my cake and eat it too.
Harley Davidson Roaring Rocker
Harley Davidson Roaring Rocker
See, I knew Mondays were Magical...I have a Harley Davidson on a rocker!!


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